A headshot of Valgerður with a knowing smile.
Red haired woman in a leather jacket smiling at the camera.
Man in a blue sweater smilng at the camera.
A handsome bearded man looks to the side, dreamily
Learn more about the speaking course.
Two girls sitting on the ground playing ukulele in Icelandic.

Let’s make Icelandic easi(er), together

Learn Icelandic faster and more easily than ever before with expert support.

Learn with us

However you learn best, we can help you.

For the solo flyer

Private classes

Personalised attention, tailored lessons, and flexibility to suit your scheduling, pace, and goals means it's all about you. Maximise your progress and gain confidence faster with dedicated guidance from the best teachers*.

*No international teacher competition exists to verify this claim. Our teachers ARE excellent, though.

For the independent learner

Self-study course

The perfect option for the independent student on a budget. Learn how to learn efficiently and effectively, empowering you on your language learning journey. Break through any obstacle* with expert support.

*Does not extend to physical obstacles, such as walls, rotating doors, or mean-looking geese.

Don’t just take our word for it

We're very proud of ourselves, but you don't have to take our word for how amazing we are. Even though we totally are.

A short-haired woman smiling to the camera.

“Best choice!”

I've been confusing the pronunciation until I met Þóra. She will provide me with many media types to strengthen my listening and speaking skills through dialogue. I highly recommend taking classes with Þóra as your best choice.

Edith Yen, retired geography teacher, about private classes with Þóra.
A woman holding a dog

“A patient and encouraging teacher.”

Valgerður is a patient and encouraging teacher, who is also very flexible in tailoring the lessons to your individual needs.

Xiaoling, environment project manager, about private classes with Valgerður.
An older woman smiling kindly into the camera.

“Siggi is a unique boy.”

My Siggi is a unique boy. He is patient, understanding, and always ready to put himself in others’ shoes. I am so lucky to have this wonderful son.

Borghildur, Siggi's mother

What makes us tick

Icelandic made easi(er) started as a simple blog, written so that anybody could learn Icelandic for free online. To this day we believe anybody and everybody can learn Icelandic - but you need to be able to learn it your way.

A teacher and student sitting across a table from each other.

Frequently asked questions

Answering questions is kind of our thing.

How much will MY union pay?

Here is the percentage of the cost you can get back from various unions. If you can't find your union on the list, don't worry: it's not an exhaustive list.

  • 75%: Drífandi
  • 80%: SSF
  • 90%: VR, Efling (private sector), Framsýn, AFL, Báran, VLSF, and Hlíf
  • 100%: Efling (public sector), BHM, FÍN, Fræðagarður, KÍ, Sameyki, and Stamos

Please note that while this is accurate to the best of our knowledge, always check with your union to be certain.

How long does it take to learn Icelandic?

It depends.

It can take as little as a day to be able to order at a café, if you’re Danish and have a good instructor. It will take multiple lifetimes to be able to write a doctoral thesis, if you’re Vietnamese and never read or listen to any Icelandic.

As a rule of thumb, though, it takes about 1-2 years to reach equal footing with natives for day-to-day communication, assuming you’re immersed in the language on a daily basis.

Should I take private classes or the self-study course?

It depends.

If you're an independent learner on a budget, the self-study course might be best for you.

If you'd like more hands-on expert guidance and don't mind paying for the expertise, private classes are your best bet.

Still have a question?

Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask us directly!

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